Thursday, December 26, 2019

Fitzgerald s Pursuit Of Wealth - 1487 Words

Fitzgerald’s Pursuit of Wealth F. Scott Fitzgerald, ‘’who was not only part of the irresponsible and extravagant life of The Roaring Twenties, but he also helped named this era, The Jazz Age with his novels.’’(Mescal Evler 587) The Roaring Twenties gave people the opportunity to become wealthy. Many people at the time of this era were making a lot of money and partying. Fitzgerald most well-known novel, The Great Gatsby, was based on The Roaring Twenties. In The Great Gatsby, Fitzgerald makes us wonder and speculate whether the pursuit of wealth is a noble aspect of life or does it lead to corruption and shower greed upon an individual. The main theme throughout Fitzgerald’s novel is that wealth leads to corruption. Several characters in the novel have corrupt aspects, such as Jay Gatsby, Tom Buchanan, Daisy Buchanan, and Myrtle Wilson. This can be seen through the indirect and direct characterization of the characters. Each of the characters corruptness is evident in their perspectives and actions. The motivation of wealth also corrupts an individual. Wealth makes a person act a certain way and do certain things. Fitzgerald uses imagery to embody the personality of Myrtle as being corrupt. Fitzgerald’s use of irony shows that society wants to be with you only if you have money. In order to be with someone you have to be up to their standard. Gatsby’s corruption can be seen by the indirect characterization of him and his business. Gatsby takes Nick to meet MeyerShow MoreRelatedThe American Dream By F. Scott Fitzgerald1134 Words   |  5 Pagesability to achieve wealth or anything if one works hard enough for it. While for others, the Dream is believed to be living a simple, happy and fulfilling life. Essentially, the American Dream is theoretically for every American individual, regardless of their race or social class. Many historians and novelists, such as F. Scott Fitzgerald, have accepted that these different beliefs and set of ideals make up the core components of the American Dream. In F. Scott Fitzgerald s novel, The Great GatsbyRead MoreThemes Of The American Dream In The Great Gatsby1503 Words   |  7 Pagesthe American dream is an evident theme in the novel. The author, F. Scott Fitzgerald, uses the character Jay Gatsby to symbolize the corruption that the pursuit of the American Dream holds. The Ameri can Dream highlights equality and is the quintessential idea that all humans are equal. However, this idea is perceived as an illusion. Due to the social strata, humans are accordingly placed in a hierarchy based on status and wealth. 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The irony of this is that Fitzgerald himself lived like many of the wealthy character in the book, despite his contempt for the lifestyle. The story, narr ated by a man named Nick Carraway, who is an aspirant of wealth, follows the quest of Jay GatsbyRead MoreScott Fitzgeralds The Great Gatsby and John Steinbecks The Grapes of Wrath1720 Words   |  7 PagesThe Great Gatsby and John Steinbecks The Grapes of Wrath In the novels The Great Gatsby by Scott Fitzgerald and The Grapes of Wrath by John Steinbeck, the authors present similar ideas, but use different methods to portray them. Similarities in themes can be made between the two texts; these include the pursuit of the American Dream and the use and misuse of wealth. Other themes are also central to each novel, the strength in unity and the influence of female charactersRead MoreThe American Dream In The Great Gatsby Analysis903 Words   |  4 PagesThe American Dream: A Fruitless Endeavour The 1920’s, famously known as the Jazz Age, was a major turning point in America’s soaring economy. However, as a result, amassing wealth in exorbitant amounts and throwing extravagant parties became socially acceptable and the conservatism and the old-fashioned values of the 19th century were left behind. The roaring twenties also coincided with the prohibition period which saw bootleggers make millions off the sale of contraband and brought life to undergroundRead MoreThe Great Gatsby and the American Dream1442 Words   |  6 Pagesamong these are life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness. This sentiment can be considered the foundation of the American Dream, the dream that everyone has the ability to become what he or she desires to be. While many people work to attain their American dream, others believe that the dream is seemingly impossible to reach, like F. Scott Fitzgerald. Fitzgeralds The Great Gatsby examines the Jazz-Age generations search for the elusive A merican Dream of wealth and happiness and scrutinizes the

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Women s Rights Of Women Essay - 1671 Words

Marriage was not always an equal partnership. During the late 1800s and early 1900s, women were property of their husbands. If they were not married they were seen as unfit or unkempt women. Through marriage, women partook in what feminists called legal prostitution.(Wollstonecraft 32) This meant that women were to seduce men in order to gain status in society or any form of personal wealth. Early feminists fought for the woman s right to her own body by combating the oppressing marriage laws while also fighting societal norms and expectations. They advocated for all women through words and actions; using themselves as examples to lead and encourage other women to take back their rights as humans. These women paved the way for future feminist to reclaim agency over their bodies. Women during the late 1800s and the early 1900s faced many laws and legislation that kept them dependent on men. Women s status was judged on their husband and women belonged to their husband.(Baker 23) Many early feminists fought back against this ideal and chose to take a stand against marriage and its inequalities. Mary Wollstonecraft was an early feminist who believed that the reasons women were so dependent on men was because of the vanity of the aristocrats.(Wollstonecraft 27) Women were kept in docile states through fashion and sweet words. She states how this perpetual petting keeps women pinned against each other and divided. These frivolities are a root to the oppression of womenShow MoreRelatedWomen s Rights Of Women Essay1455 Words   |  6 Pagesa myriad of women have expressed through outlets such as public assemblies, literature, and speeches. There have been three waves of the women’s movement, each targeting a variety of issues within each era. The third wave was in 1995, where Hillary Clinton spoke in Beijing, China, claiming that women’s rights were the same as human rights, that every aspiring girl deserved the civil liberties that every man was given around the world. Moreover, the movement had shifted towards women in developingRead MoreWomen s Rights Of Women1265 Words   |  6 Pagesstands in the way of women being equal to men? Journalist Carlin Flora suggests the following, â€Å"While not all claims to humanity are universal and no one context, culture or continent can truly represent all peoples, the following three examples from very different contexts, cultures and continents show that some violations of women’s human rights are universal. In particular, it is still the case the world over that a woman’s reproductive rights, which impact on her right to life, are still seenRead MoreWomen s Rights Of Women881 Words   |  4 PagesTwenty –first century ladies are discovering it a daunting task to keep up both sexual orientation parts as an aftereffect of the women s activist development. They are presently assuming liability for both the supplier and the nurturer, battling like never before to acq uire and keep a superior personal satisfaction. Woman s rights has supported in equivalent vocation opportunity, battling to get ladies acknowledged into the employment advertise, and what initially began as ladies strengtheningRead MoreWomen s Rights Of Women Essay1647 Words   |  7 Pagesthe early 1920’s, women thought they had achieved the unachievable. They could finally work, keep their earned wages, marry whomever they please, and even vote. After reaching their goal and fighting vigorously, women could taste equality and the freedom they deserved. While women still have the right to work in today’s society, women are not exactly treated equal in the workplace. Regardless of the past and the extreme measures taken to ensure equal opportunities for both men and women, there are manyRead MoreWomen s Rights Of Women1590 Words   |  7 Pagesthe 1920s, women were ignored in every aspect of their life. From politics, to social situations, women were constantly look ed at as lesser. The 20s was a decade of women ready to fight for their rights. From gaining social freedoms, to getting political rights, the 20s was the first decade of feminism. Many women played key roles in the fight for women s rights through speeches, marches, and much more. The women that fought for their rights in the 1920s completely changed how women live their livesRead MoreWomen s Rights Of Women1230 Words   |  5 PagesWomen’s suffrage has stretched from the 1800’s to present day, as women have struggled to have the same civil and constitutional rights as men in politics and be appreciated as equals in the workforce. Groups of women known as suffragists questioned the customary views of women’s roles. Eventually our nation has evolved and realized that male-controlled societies suppress women’s rights. From the beginning steps taken in 1850 to 2013 with women earning combat roles in the military, women’s rolesRead MoreWomen s Rig hts Of Women1206 Words   |  5 Pagesto speak of women and the role of women in this election, the subject of women is tiresome but necessary in a world where gender is still existent as an obstacle for most. I cannot identify what woman is. I am basing my definition from our modern understanding of woman, our general view, and the popular experience. People are using younger women voting for Bernie Sanders as proof of gender’s irrelevant in this election, that women have achieved their rights. Even if women ‘have rights now’ it doesRead MoreWomen s Rights Of Women1393 Words   |  6 Pages Women all over the world are being treated different than men. Iran is one of the places that women are being treated the worst. From restrictions to punishments, women in Iran are being treated with no respect, and that is not okay. Women’s rights activists have tried to get it to change, and have traveled to many places to try and get more people to join their movement. There are many issues with women not having the same rights as men. One of the main problems is that they are treated lessRead MoreWomen s Rights Of Women1272 Words   |  6 PagesThroughout history, women have fought a strenuous battle for equal rights. Many men, and even some women, all over the world believe that women do not share the same value and importance to society as men do. On September 5, 1995, Hillary Clinton spoke at the 4th World Conference on Women, on behalf of women all over the world. Clinton raised awareness on how women s rights are being violated and why it is important to recognize women s rights as equal to everyone else’s rights. Even today, in 2016Read MoreWomen s Rights Of Women1052 Words   |  5 PagesThe family has traditionally been the basic unit of Chinese society where women have long been charged with upholding society s values in their roles as wives and mothers. Especially in the Qing Dynasty, women were required to balance society s i deals with the reality of raising a family and maintaining a household. Throughout the imperial period and into the beginning of the twentieth century, the relationship among family members was prescribed by Confucian teachings. The revered philosopher

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Trafficking Of Women in

Question: Write Annotated Bibliography on Trafficking Of Women in India. Answer: In this article, Chatterjee (2008) argues that the anti-human-trafficking law that has been introduced aim to render the practice of payment for having sex illegal. The author argues that this might lead to the total business revolving round the sex trade to go underground thereby leading to an increase in the risk of the spread of the sexually transmitted diseases among both the sex workers and the concerned clients. The author had surveyed the various organizations and the various members of the society who conformed the fact that there had been a number of surveys that assert the fact that there has been a huge number of people in the country who had been who have been suffering from HIV. This article has proved to be of help for the study since it deals with the legal conditions that may arise as a result of the human trafficking that has been a huge issue in the subcontinent. In this article Chatterjee (2014), points out the fact that the commercial surrogacy has been legalized in the Indian subcontinent. This condition has arisen in the subcontinent due the fact that the citizens of the country have been living below the poverty level which has led to the increase of the trafficking of the female members who have been a part of the illiterate and poorer sections of the society. In order to complete this study, Chatterjee had taken into account the various cases of human trafficking that were reported all over the country. There have been many reports that tend to depict the various conditions wherein the women from the various parts of the country were trafficked to the foreign lands wherein they were forced to become surrogate mothers. This article has been helpful in the course of the concerned study since this depicts yet another reason for the trafficking of the female residents of the country. Deane (2010), in the concerned article has put forth the argument that the women and the children are being trafficked internally as well as beyond the borders especially in the countries of India and Nepal. The trafficked children are mostly forced into the roles of the child soldiers, they are often forced to serve as the domestic helps, serve as entertainers in the circuses or at the various factories. Deane, in this article tries to probe into the laws of both the countries that pertain to the areas of the human trafficking and the forced prostitution among the female members of the country. In order to complete the study, the author took into account the comparison of the various laws of the countries that deal with the issues pertaining to the issues related to the human trafficking and forced prostitution that is prevalent in the crime scenes of the countries. This article might assist the studies by looking at the legal aspects of the subcontinent that deal with the issues of human trafficking and forced labor of the trafficked children and girls. Mansberger (2011) in the paper elaborates on the concept of the human trafficking. The author identifies India to be the country that serves as all the three sectors that are involved in the various activities of human trafficking. The author opines that the subcontinent is the most active area for the origination, the transit and the destination for the victims as well as the criminals who have been involved in the activities pertaining to human trafficking. The article delves deeper into the ways and measures so as to include the matters that pertain to the matters of human trafficking in the regular educational courses of the country. The article sheds further light on the various types of human trafficking that is prevalent within the country. The above-mentioned article would assist the study by giving an insight into the various ways in which the issue might be dealt with by the government and the residents of both the countries, India and Nepal. In this article, Sarkar (2014) states that the extent and the scale of the notorious criminal activity of human trafficking has been one of unexplored area. The article brings to the forefront the issue that the major issues that have been highlighted as the fate of the trafficked individuals are organ harvesting, forced prostitution, labor and begging, child soldiering and other such heinous crimes. The article takes into consideration the various reports that have been published on the incidents that have taken place in the country. The various reports that the concerned article takes into consideration do provide an estimate about the huge number of women and children who have been trafficked from the country in order to force them into the various criminal and immoral activities. This article is important for this case as this article provides valuable insight into the various issues that are brought to the light are the issues of the illegal migration and the human trafficking that are attached to the activities of the human trafficking. In this article, Sarkar (2015), focusses on the fact that the human trafficking has proved to be one of the fields where the money involved is under no tracker thereby leading to the conditions of huge amounts of money being laundered in the process. The author further opines that the most unobserved area of flesh trades is the area of the financial transactions that are an important part of the process. The composed article is based on the empirical data that is collected from the interviews that were taken from one hundred and twenty-four respondents who had participated in the survey. The article sheds light on the fact that the financial transactions involved in the human trafficking are generally excluded from the national accounts. This affect the economic situation of the country that is portrayed by the national accounts. This article might be helpful for the study as the article deals with the financial aspects that are associated with the immoral as well as illegal activities of human trafficking and forced participation in flesh trade and beggary or child labor. In this study, Sarkar (2016) points out the fact that the key reason behind human trafficking is the extreme poverty that the country has been facing. The author states that a huge number of Nepalese women are reported to have been trafficked into India for the various immoral activities like flesh trade and forced labor. The author attempts to suggest ways and measures that might help to bring down the number of incidents related to human trafficking. The article takes into account the study of the ordeals of one hundred and fifty-eight women of Nepalese nationality who had been trafficked into India in order to force them into participating in the flesh trade. The above article might prove to be essential for the concerned study due to the fact that this article produces a statistical data on the number of female citizens of a country who had been trafficked and eventually forced into participating in the flesh trade Bibliography Chatterjee, P. (2008). Anti-human-trafficking law sparks debate in India.The Lancet,371(9617), 975-976. Chatterjee, P. (2014). Human Trafficking and Commercialization of Surrogacy in India.European researcher. Series A, (10-2), 1835-1842. Deane, T. (2010). Cross-border trafficking in Nepal and Indiaviolating womens rights.Human rights review,11(4), 491-513. Mansberger, M. (2011). Critical thoughts on human trafficking and how to include the subject in a mainstream education system in India.Social Change,41(4), 611-625. Sarkar, S. (2014). Rethinking human trafficking in India: Nature, extent and identification of survivors.The Round Table,103(5), 483-495. Sarkar, S. (2015). Trade in Human Beings: Evidence of Money Laundering From Sex Trafficking in India and the UK.Journal of Transnational Management,20(2), 107-125. Sarkar, S. (2016). Trafficking of Women and Girls for Sex Trade from Nepal to India.Challenge,59(5), 434-458.

Monday, December 2, 2019

Quiet The Power of Introverts in a World That Cant Stop Talking by Susan Cain

Book Overview The book, â€Å"Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can’t Stop Talking† by  Susan Cain is a product of more than five years of research. Therefore, it is an essential tool for personal development. Besides, the author says that she is an introvert.Advertising We will write a custom book review sample on Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can’t Stop Talking’ by Susan Cain specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More She has experienced the pain that introverts are subjected to in environments where they have to relate with extroverts. Hence, the book is a product of both research and the author’s personal experience. The author defines two personal characters, an introvert and an extrovert, as the main characters linking a person to the society. However, the book focuses mainly on introverts, which the author considers as the forgotten characters who once helped in the f oundation of the American society. A normal person is either an introvert or an extrovert. According to the author, the majority of the successful people in the world are introverts. However, it is ironic that the conditions set in churches, schools, and workplaces among others favor the extroverts (Cain, 2012). She says that the total population of introverts is approximately one-third of the whole humanity, and thus they should be valued by presenting them in environments and conditions which are best suited for their human character. Cain says that introverts are the best leaders in the human population. She argues they are charismatic, and they can influence large groups of people towards their desired cause of actions and liking their opinions. She claims that introverts are liked because they are quiet in nature even when subjected to chaotic situations. Their character enables them to think creatively about the best solutions to problems. And they often give the best ideas. A dditionally, in a workplace introverts produce the best results when given the opportunity to think and work on their own. Apparently, they are not antisocial, as they are normally perceived as being quiet and often shy. On the contrary, they prefer doing things on their own since they believe in their capabilities. Since an idea is developed, introverts build loyal alliances using their ability to cooperate with other people while working together for a common goal.  The author is sure that the Western society evolved from a culture of character whereby introverts were respected in addition to being given opportunities to do their best.Advertising Looking for book review on american literature? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More This argument expresses the author’s pain coming from a cultural change. She argues that the American society valued human character as a person was glorified for the good result of work done be hind the scenes. Therefore, the society did not care much about the background information of the person, but rather about the relevance of his/her work to humanity. Additionally, the author complains about the modern offices are designed to favor extroverts. The designs are meant to allow groups and team works, as they are perceived to be the more productive than individual working setups. However, extroverts like competition as opposed to introverts who prefer person promotions. Interestingly, Cain says that introverts have restorative niches, which could either be a place that they go to rebuild mental strength whenever they are exhausted or things they like doing. She ends by calling for a quiet revolution where the world will give introverts a chance to give their best in quiet conditions. Leadership According to the author, introverts are the best leaders that the world has ever had and can still have. She told us that introverts can build loyal alliances. They are charismatic leaders in most cases. Most importantly, they have great self-esteem when influencing people who belong to their culture (Fulmer et al., 2010). Interestingly, an introvert leader likes working alone and in quiet environments. Introverts can create efficient solutions and smart ideas – and this assertion implies that introvert leaders are found to be appealing because they believe in their work. Moreover, they are focused on achieving the desired results unlike of extrovert leaders who do not truly understand their ideas and rather would aspire to influence other people into believing. In leadership, joy comes to one who is motivated by the delight experienced in pursuit of an activity, not to a leader seeking rewards. Hence, introverts are best suited as charismatic and transformation leaders since they are not motivated by fame or rewards. A transformational leader endeavors to inspire followers to achieve goal. In the process of making people move to an objective, an intro vert leader finds joy because he or she can sense progress. People are delighted to work with such a leader. On the other hand, an extrovert leader is not satisfied until s/he gets a reward. Therefore, s/he is likely to impose unnecessary force to followers, which could often lead to fatal results.Advertising We will write a custom book review sample on Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can’t Stop Talking’ by Susan Cain specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The ability to work alone is a strong quality of a leader because when things is getting tough she or he cannot rely on the opinions of other people in creating simple solutions. This aspect compels followers to have great trust in him/her, which creates the deserved respect for a leader. Everybody aspires to be led by a person who is independent minded as opposed to an individual who relies on the opinions of others when making decisions. It does not rul e out the view that leaders should consider the opinions and suggestions of their followers. On the contrary, it is a weakness for a leader to rely heavily on the opinions of others since s/he has no confidence in his/her decisions.  Moreover, an introvert leader can make decisions quickly and change them slowly. According to scientists, making quick decisions does not mean arriving at a conclusion that would initiate action, but rather getting into the process of making decisions. It means that an introvert leader decides what to do early enough before things go wrong. Since s/he believes in his/her decisions, s/he does not count on other people to help in making a decision. However, after making a desirable decision, an introvert leader calls others into corporate efforts by taking action through their ability to build alliances. The introvert human character is essential in leadership since people have great faith in an independent-minded leader with the ability to make decisio ns quickly before things get out of hands. Additionally, people like leaders who do not rush towards rewards and fame and end up building bad relationships with followers in the process like in the case of extrovert leaders. Job Satisfaction One of the greatest problems that people are having in the contemporary world is the lack of satisfaction in their daily lives (Goldberg et al., 2006). Job satisfaction is a great determinant of human success, and it is subject to character, the environment, and relations. Cain urges people who are looking for careers suitable to their characters in terms of being either introvert or extrovert. A person should work in conditions suitable to his or her nature, it’s the only way to carry on your work duties as well as one can. Afterward, they should analyze the nature of work environment that their careers are best suited. This method would help a person from falling into unsatisfactory jobs.Advertising Looking for book review on american literature? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Introverts are not well suited to open-space offices because their type of character requires quiet environments. If an introvert gets a job in an open-space office and s/he is forced to work in groups, there are high chances of being unsatisfied. On the other hand, extroverts are best suited to open-space office setups since they enjoy working in groups as well as in environments where there are other social activities going on. Consequently, an extrovert person cannot fulfil the tasks s/he is given when s/he works apart from a team in quiet little place.  Looking into the main determinants of job satisfaction, which are character, environment, and relations, extrovert and introvert characters play a major role in each of these qualities. Doubtless, an introvert gets job satisfaction differently from an extrovert. An introvert would feel satisfied working in a job that allows individualized working set up in a quiet environment. The less people, noise and interferences are, the b etter an introvert can work. This person likes giving the best in the work. It implies this person would value independence in generating ideas and decisions, and thus opt to work in a closed office setup (Laney, 2013). On the other hand, an extrovert would want to work in an environment full of other people, and thus open-space office is the most preferred setup. S/he can’t bear being alone. S/he have to deal with the colleagues and want to be a part of a team. A lack of communication with an extrovert person’s coworkers can badly influence the work results. It may be surely said that the quality of work performance depends on the work environment. So working conditions that does not favor group work would make this person being unsatisfied in the job. However, Cain (2012) argues that introverts build alliances, which then implies that they are good in teamwork. Hence, the working environment should allow an introvert person to cooperate with others as well. On the ot her hand, extroverts should work in environments that allow group works for them to give their best. So, this is a quite simple rule – don’t leave an extrovert person alone, don’t let the other people interfere into an introvert person’s work.  As mentioned earlier, introverts like working by themselves after they build alliances with other people to achieve the desired results. Therefore, the working conditions should give introverts the opportunity to work by themselves as well as other people to experience job satisfaction. On the other hand, extroverts like working in groups and Cain (2012) argues that they value competition more than personal promotion. And the working conditions should allow them to work with other people to get job satisfaction for themselves. Motivation and Goal Setting Understanding human character is essential when setting goals in life. An introvert ought to understand that s/he is well suited to quiet environments. Therefore , s/he should set achievable goals under quiet conditions. On the other hand, an extrovert ought to understand that s/he works well in conditions that allow group work and other social activities going on. In life, motivation and goal setting are relevant when considering career and leadership, which are the basic elements of human success.  As it was said, the author agrees that a person should take time and survey careers that are favorable to his/her career. And s/he has to follow our rule – If you’re an introvert person, forget about open-space offices and noisy meetings. You won’t be able to fulfil any complicated task. If you’re an extrovert person – look for team work, you need to discuss everything you’re doing, and refuse remote or project job offers where you’ll have to work alone or at home. The main goal is to have a career that guarantees job satisfaction. In some situations, people are motivated due to the benefits whi ch could be money, rewards, or promotions depending on a job. However, the author argues that human character plays a major role in determining the kind of benefit that should be a main source of motivation. An introvert does not get motivated due to rewards like the case of an extrovert. On the contrary, introverts draw motivation from the process in pursuant of the desired result. An introvert is best suited for demanding tasks since the motivation is in pursuant of results, which guarantees a likelihood of achieving the desired results. (Kahnweiler, 2013).  Therefore, goal setting in a career is different for both introverts and extroverts. An introvert finds joy in pursuing results and ready to devote all his or her time and resources to the problem and solve it by all means. S/he is likely to set goals attached to demanding tasks that a career has to offer, and especially those related to the development of solutions to serious problems in a given field. On the other hand, an extrovert sets goals attached to results. He or she would strive to stay away from demanding tasks since there is no motivation for these tasks. An extrovert needs some strict indicators which let him or her know that the work is done.  On leadership, both introverts and extroverts have different ways of motivation and goal setting. An introvert wants to lead whenever s/he is motivated by the pursuit of desirable results such as solving a social problem that has been persistent for too long and people are willing to follow someone with a solution.  Besides, the main goal is to get the desired results, but there is motivation in achieving these results. But an extrovert enjoys fame and rewards since s/he draws inspiration from competition that a social phenomenon has to offer. Therefore, there is no motivation in the course of leadership if there are no noticeable achievements that would garner him/her fame and rewards. The extrovert leader is highly likely to use unjustifiable means to achieve the desired results, which cannot be the case for introvert leaders. Hence, the introvert character endeavors to achieve hard-earned results that do not necessarily bear rewards (Thompson, 2008). On the contrary, extrovert character seeks results that have rewards and fame. In some cases, extroverts do not care about the means through which results are achieved. They’re too concentrated on a goal, and often their performance turns up more poor than expected. References Cain, S. (2012). Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can’t Stop Talking. New York, NY: Crown Publishers. Fulmer, A., Gelfand, M., Kruglanski, A., Kim-Prieto, C., Diener, E., Pierro, A., Higgins, E. (2010). On ‘Feeling Right’ in Cultural Contexts: How Person-Culture Match Affects Self-Esteem and Subjective Well-Being. Psychological Science, 21(11), 1563 – 69. Goldberg, L., Johnson, J., Eber, H., Hogan, R., Ashton, M., Cloninger, C., Gough, H. (2006). The i nternational personality item pool and the future of public-domain personality measures. Journal of Research in Personality, 40(1), 84–96 Kahnweiler, J. (2013). Quiet Influence: The Introvert’s Guide to Making a Difference. San Francisco, CA: Berrett-Koehler Publishers. Laney, M. (2013). The Introvert Advantage: How to Thrive in an Extrovert World. New York, NY: Workman Publishing Company. Thompson, E. (2008). Development and Validation of an International English Big-Five Mini-Markers. Personality and Individual Differences, 45(6), 542–548. This book review on Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can’t Stop Talking’ by Susan Cain was written and submitted by user Ayanna Parker to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Management Lessons from Vince Lombardi Essay Example

Management Lessons from Vince Lombardi Essay Example Management Lessons from Vince Lombardi Paper Management Lessons from Vince Lombardi Paper Vince Lombardi is believed to be the greatest coach in the history of the sports. He was born on June 11, 1913, in Brooklyn, New York. He was successful both in the football and off the field. In 1937 he graduated from Fordham University with a business major. After serving as assistant and head football coach to many teams, In 1958, he accepted the head football coach position with the Green Bay Packers, Wisconsin. He was able to get the fullest dedication and effort from each one on the am and he was able to make the Green Bay Packers champions in National Football League Tournament. This paper explore the his winning rules in the book ? ¦The Lombardi Rules: 26 lessons Vince Lombard?D written by his son Vince Lombardi Jar. The first part of the paper examines his winning rules and, the second part of the paper discusses the management techniques that derive from Lombardi rules. Effective Management Techniques in Business: Lessons from Vince Lombardi A great leader is rare to find yet a great asset to any organization. Great leaders exhibit a mixture of arrogance and humility. A great leader should be arrogant enough to believe that he is worth following. At the same time, he should be humble enough to know that others may have a better sense of the direction he should take. Sun a person Is Valence Lombardi Vince Lombardi once Salsa, salesperson rests not only upon ability, not only upon capacity; having the capacity to lead is not enough. The leader must be willing to use it. His leadership is then based on truth and character. There must be truth in the purpose and will power in the character. (Vince Lombardi) The book, The Lombardi Rules, written by his son Vince Lombardi Jar. , provides an insider?was look at Lombardi?was extraordinary methods and shows how anybody can adapt and adopt those methods for leadership success in his or her own career. Vince Lombardi Jar. Wrote, ?chem. FAA,there was not only a great football coach; he was also a great leader,?o He continued ?Celt was his leadership, his ability to motivate his players, to inspire them to surpass their own perceived physical and mental capability, and his incredible will to win that brought national renown to the man, his methods and his players. ?o (Lombardi Jar. , 2005) According to the Lombardi model, ?Connelly by knowing yourself can you become an effective leader?o. (Lombardi Jar. , 2005) He divided the leadership development process into three components: self knowledge, character and integrity, and leadership. The first step of gaining self-knowledge is to ask ourselves the tough question?o Is there an overriding purpose in my life? ?0 Lombardi mentioned that ?Joyce can only become a leader after developing your character-that is after building integrity, honesty and commitment. You would not be able to improve yourself until you gained self- knowledge. To gain self knowledge a leader need to follow these three steps. 1. Get to know yourself, because you cannot improve upon something that you don?wet know. 2. Learn from failure: failure brings more tough questions for you to answer. The better you answer the question, the better you know about you. 3. Don?wet run for the sake of running: Make sure where your final destination is. If you are not sure about your final destination, slow down and ask more questions. The second step to gaining self knowledge is to look the truth straight on. As a leader, you cannot build a team or an organization which is a whole to different from yourself, because you neither want your team nor yourself to have a shaky foundation. Once a leader honestly answers the tough questions about his life?was purpose, he or she will have same private and public life. To be a successful leader one must be honest with others as well as yourself. ?Cohen you are guided by the truth, you are the same person in private as you are in public. Looked at from the other end of the telescope, you know that what you do in private matters. ?o (Lombardi Jar. 2005)Lombardi noted that you must ?- play to your strength?w. When you start to answer the tough questions, strengths and weaknesses of your own character become evident. Once you understand your weaknesses, they don?wet have to work to your disadvantage. ?Osgood leaders will work to combat their weaknesses and use their strengths to the greatest advantage. ?o (Lombardi Jar. , 2005) According to the Lombardi model, the next stage is character building. Lombardi believed character creates the building blocks for leadership with good habits and competence. His prior education and pre-seminary training helped him build his character. The author noted in the book that the term character derived from the words that mean ?generated?o and ?considered?o , which implies that ? ¦contracted Is written, Inscribed, Ana engraved all over you -u Landmasses famous theme was that ?CE You cannot simply copy someone?was character. Character must fit our own personality and characteristics if it is to withstand a trial by fire. ?0 (Lombardi Jar. , 2005) To write your character, a leader may follow these steps: ?conclude the habits of seeking truth, finding and keeping faith, practicing nullity and showing respect and compassion for others. ?o (Lombardi Jar. , 2005) Although these qualities are not easily adopted, all are important for leadership. The other behaviors that are important for leaders are to ?kitchen the big picture, be completely commit ted to your task, work harder than everybody and be mentally tough. When you follow the rule ?-think the big picture?w, you know what the end will look like and you always keep that vision before you. Once the leader knows and sees the big picture, he knows how to handle the smaller obstacles that may stand in is way. A leader has to be completely committed to the task in which he is involved in. To Lombardi, commitment meant ?accepting sacrifice and suffering hard work- in other words whatever it takes to reach your goal. ?0 (Lombardi Jar. , 2005)Lombardi did not believe in overnight success. For him overnight success is a myth. He believed in hard work, practice and discipline. Lombardi Jar. Noted that his father and his assistants would run the same play over and over, barking out ?cert. it again! ?0 to correct even the tiniest mistakes. With hard work, practice, and spelling, the players were gaining complete confidence in their ability to execute each play. ?0(Lombardi Jar. , 2005) Management Lessons from Coach Lombardi ?occurring a football team is no different than running any other kind of organization ? an army, a political party or a business. The principles are the same. The object is to win ? to beat the other guy. To know the rules and objectives when they get in the game. The object is it win fairly, squarely, by the rules ? but to win ?CE(Vince Lombardi, Vince Lombardi is considered to be the greatest football coach of all times. Of all the qualities that he exhibited in his immense success, the dominant was his ability to concentrate on his sole purpose: winning the game. Coach Lombardi saw ? -winning?w both as a goal and as a reality. Vince Lombardi knew the game before he became a coach and understood it better than someone who had not played the game. In sport, it is ludicrous to think of hiring a coach who has not played the game simply because he would find it hard to impress the players and gain their respect. In the same manner, in business terms, a manager would lack credibility. In search of excellence, it is important to notice that, in most excellent companies, the person at the top has an intimate knowledge of the product or service being delivered. The advantage of having such a person is that, by the time that person reached the top, most of those in the company knew they had a leader that understood the business and what would be needed to improve the business. Vince Lombardi was an excellent leader and was willing to take chances. Even in defeat, he knew how to get something positive out of failure. Lombardi had the respect and confidence of his players. In short, the risks of gambling were reduced for Lombardi because everyone around him knew that his actions were based on tongue Knowledge, Ana teen enumerators Tanat eve retying was cone Tort ten good the team. This is an excellent point in management. Once the managers show confidence and trust towards their employees, they are confident to take the risks for the general good of the company. There are many companies that encouraged their employees to take risks because they know that success comes from large number of tries. However these companies still expect their employees to do the basic things erectly. Vince Lombardi did not believe in overnight success. The author noted that ?Kiewit hard work, practice, and discipline, (his players) were gaining complete confidence in their abilities?o (Lombardi Jar. 2005) The obvious and extremely critical point in the game is that, none of the players can do his or her Job successfully without the support of the others. Even though you are a successful player on your team, you may not be able win the game if the team is not good enough. The point is that even with one excellent player, success is still determined by the overall strength of your te am. This is clearly no less true in business. Nobody can work in a vacuum. Managers must draw a big picture for everyone so that they can see where they fit in the overall scheme of things. Vince Lombardi said, ?cell never tell a player, ?-This is my way, now do it?w. Instead, I say, ?-This is the way we do it?w and this is why we do it?w?0. Confidence in him and in the team he was coaching distinguished Vince Lombardi as a great coach. He put a lot of pressure on himself, but did not collapse because he was so sure about what he was doing. He had confidence in himself and also was able to convey t to the team. Managers, who do not have self confidence, are not in a position to instill it or expect the same from their team members. Before the team can experience any success, a manager must be confident in his own abilities so that he can concentrate on the problems, issues, and the strength of the group. Also, subordinates are not likely to respect a manager in whom they have no confidence. Conclusion I think out of all the traits Vince Lombardi exhibited in his life as a leader, the most important one is team-building. Once while giving his pep talk to the team Vince Lombardi asked this question from the players. ?cheat is the meaning of love? ?0 This is clearly an unusual question to ask a team. But Lombardi was serious. And he explained ?cannonade can love something that is beautiful or smart or agile. But you will never know love until you can love something that sin?wet beautiful, sin?wet bright, or sin?wet glamorous. Can you accept someone for his inabilities? ?o and he explained that any of them may not regard any particular teammate as equally talented or equally capable. But a loving commitment to the team and to all the mattes would enable a better player to help a lesser player. The offensive-line tackle Bob Corrosions recalls this pep talk and mentioned that ?ache din?wet want us to be picking on each other, but instead thinking: What can I do to make it easier for my teammate to help us win the game. ?0(Maharanis, 1999 ) Sadly, many of us persist in playing for personal advancement. Especially in management, business is a game of who comes out on top. If we would concern ourselves more with helping our own teammates, I think our working lives would be a lot more satisfying, and our customers would be a lot happier.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Theory vs. Hypothesis

Theory vs. Hypothesis Theory vs. Hypothesis Theory vs. Hypothesis By Sharon I have a theory or do I? Perhaps what I have is an idea, a hypothesis or a conjecture. In science, a theory is a set of related hypotheses that serve to explain or provide rules for certain phenomena. If these hypotheses can be linked together to predict behavior or events, then they form a theory, such as the theory of evolution. A hypothesis is a proposition which needs to be evaluated. In other words, its something that makes sense based on the knowledge you have but you still need to prove that it works. A conjecture is an idea which has no basis in fact (often called a theory in the vernacular). Here are some quotations from newspapers: these theories are promulgated there,† said Mr. Nunberg, who disputed that â€Å"Spygate† qualified as a conspiracy theory. Mr. Trump’s talk of conspiracies has also gained currency within a Republic ( idea, referred to in the jargon of economics as the efficient market hypothesis (technically, the strong efficient market hypothesis), implicitly underl ( million dollar problems. If they are right still a big if and somebody really has cracked the so-called Riemann hypothesis, financial disaster might follow. Suddenly all cryptic codes could be breakable. No internet transaction woul ( germs and dirt finding their way into a child’s mouth. But many have also heard in recent years of the â€Å"hygiene hypothesis,† which holds that some exposure to germs and microorganisms in early childhood is actually good for us ( Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Vocabulary category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:What Is Irony? (With Examples)Precedent vs. PrecedenceHow Do You Pronounce "Often"?

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Argument Analysis Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Argument Analysis - Assignment Example moted to write the article by the heavy persuasion from his followers, who emphasized that Santiago could be right, which would see him reconsider his previous position (Ebert 1). The article takes on a debate which has featured in other article, including â€Å"Sorry MoMA, Video games are not art† which was published in the guardian online magazine (Jones 1). However, the author was prompted to write the article, mainly, by the response of game producer Santiago and the attention offered to the issue by his followers and audience. For that reason, the article is directed towards clearing Santiago’s criticism, as well as offering his audience, more information about his position on the issue (Ebert 1). The common experience among the target audience is that they are art and Video game enthusiasts, and in their view, video games are as interactive as traditional art. For that reason, it is possible that they hold a biased view of the issue, mainly because the audience a nd Santiago are all presenting personal views of art and games. Through authoring the article, the author hopes to clear the air about the issue, therefore communicating the rationales behind his statements that video games are not art (Ebert 1). The author of the article, Robert Ebert has worked in the area of critiquing film for the Chicago Sun-Times starting 1967. Through his career, he has been recognized by the Hollywood walk of fame, awarded a star and pointed out as an â€Å"honorary member of the Directors guild of America† (Ebert [b] 1). The author’s occupation is film critic, screenwriter and journalist; therefore his strong background in the field qualifies him to be a noteworthy writer on the topic. His entry into the field of journalism during his early years qualified him to grow into a highly experienced film and art critic. The author’s political inclination was neutral, and that was evident from his emphasis that his kindness insulates all his political beliefs (Ebert [b]

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Locke's Criticism on Descartes' Philosophy of Calling Extension the Essay

Locke's Criticism on Descartes' Philosophy of Calling Extension the Essence of Body - Essay Example Our body is not the essence of anything like extension as this concept lessens the significance of human body. Our body is solid while extension is empty space, hence there is no match between these two. Locke’s criticism on Descartes’ philosophy of calling extension the essence of body Rene Descartes, a French philosopher come mathematician of sixteenth century, is unanimously called as 'Father of Modern Philosophy' & the Father of Cartesian Doctrine which describes the relation between body and mind. "I think, therefore I am" is the most famous concept given by Descartes' about mind-body dualism. According to him, human beings are composed of two different things, body & soul or mind. The essence of soul (mind) is thought by which it controls the movements of body & the essence of body is extension. He argued that I can perceive my mind as an independent identity upon which there is no influence of extension (body) & I can distinctively perceive my body as a complete thing without the influence of my thoughts. Thus God has made the two things independent of each other so they behave like distinct objects. Here, the idea of extension is not very clear, i.e., whether it describes our body as a combination of solid parts which are there to move or extend, or is there something else Descartes wanted to explain? The idea was contrary enough as it says that there is no particular connection or relation between body & soul & they are independent of each other. He tried to explain the idea but could not provide enough valid points & arguments to prove this. One of his successors of seventeenth century, John Locke, an English philosopher, who is undoubtedly the philosopher of modern times & the originator of concepts like self & identity, presented his own theory of human understanding which is considered to be more authentic & reliable regarding the concepts of human identity & self. He contradicts Descartes’ Cartesian philosophy by saying that a ll human have innate ideas in their minds by birth & they acquire more knowledge through their vast experience & their individual use of senses & perception. According to him, the essence of body is not extension but consciousness & mind is nothing but a blank slate on which anything can be written by acquiring knowledge & wisdom. Children & babies from their early stages of development & even during their gestation period acquire simple kind of knowledge like color & taste distinction etc. The child is not born with such kind of knowledge but experiences such situations & learns from them, either by sensation or by reflection (perception). Thus every person’s body & mind are not two exclusive identities but they are linked together & body is used to perform according to mind’s instructions (Locke. 1959) In his famous book â€Å"An Essay Concerning Human Understanding†, Locke explained his point of view very deeply. He says that extension and body can never be t he same things & if anyone says like that, he only tries to lessen the significance & importance of human body while the meaning or philosophy behind this still remains unclear & uncertain. Our body is not simply a combination of extended solid blocks of different shapes joined together for different movements; neither the extension only means the space or the area in which the body moves. Anything that simply occupies area or has some mass is termed as matter, not

Sunday, November 17, 2019

English as Official Language Debate Essay Example for Free

English as Official Language Debate Essay The United States is a nation founded by immigrants. Throughout the years the US has struggled with discrimination and close-mindedness. But, when we put our differences aside we can achieve the impossible. We are a country united by our differences. We celebrate our diversity, independence and individuality. We are a country that believes in choice, and one of those choices should be the option to speak the language which we relate to and understand. It was our forefather’s ambition that got us to the Land of The Free and our determination that made us successful. So how can we say we stand for freedom if we don’t give our people, immigrants (illegal or not), the right to speak their language? We are a country for the people, but not all of our people speak English. Many Americans argue that those who live in America should speak English but think about this: English is the sum of many other languages. The British brought English to America and forced the Native Americans to convert to their language and their ways. In modern society, we cringe at the idea of oppression and encourage those who are oppressed to speak out for themselves, yet turn a blind eye when we are the oppressors. A parallel can be drawn with bullying. It is an issue that many children, teens, and adults experience. Bullying has been an active topic in the media in recent years. Teachers, parents and authoritative figures continue to urge those who are bullied or have witnessed an act of bullying to stand up for themselves and get help. Thus, America is not only being hypocritical and ignorant, but it is also being a bully by forcing other’s to speak â€Å"our† language. We are oppressing their beliefs. We are telling them that they must speak our language if they want to be American; they must speak our language if they want to be successful. Understandingly, those who come to America should be educated in our history and be required to pass a citizenship test. But speaking English does not make one an American. A citizen is not inferior because he/she cannot speak English. Americans today are born with this innate sense of superiority. Yet, over the years we have overcome most of our selfish and antiquated ways and this is just another obstacle which we must surmount. We cannot force a diverse group of people to speak one language when our nation consists of so many. We cannot force a language upon our people without oppressing those people. Making English the official language would make us hypocrites and bullies. Therefore, English should not be the official language of the United States.

Friday, November 15, 2019

Lady Macbeths Role in Macbeths Downfall :: essays research papers

While not the only contributing factor, Lady Macbeth does play a substantial role in the downfall of her husband. She is a like a catalyst for Macbeth and essentially pushes him to do what he would not have been able to do on his own. Macbeth himself highly ambitious and determined, but his wife is even more so. At first he refuses to kill Duncan but she persists and eventually gets him to do it. It is important to note here that Lady Macbeth pushes Macbeth forward by manipulating him. In this sense, she can be related to Cathy Ames from East of Eden by John Steinbeck. Also, being a woman, she is confined by the conventions of society which prevent her from doing much. At what point she even wishes that she were 'unsexed' so she could commit the murder herself. Because of this, she pours her ambition and desire for power into Macbeth. Again she accomplishes this through manipulation. For example, at one point when Macbeth is disagreeing with her idea of killing Duncan, she questions his manhood: ?Art thou afeard / To be the same in thine own act and valor / As thou art in desire? Wouldst thou have that / Which thou esteem'st the ornament of life, / And live a coward in thine own esteem, / Letting "I dare not" wait upon "I would," / Like the poor cat i' the adage? She knows that Macbeth is courageous and will never back down from a challenge and this is exactly what happens. He ends up listening to his wife. The relationship between Macbeth and his wife is strong. There is much trust between the two and there is also openness. However, the two butt heads and have opposing views many times. Even so, it is clear that Lady Macbeth is the dominant person in the couple. She is one of the major driving forces of Macbeth. This is shown when they are plotting the murder of Duncan. Macbeth asks her, ?If we should fail?? and she strongly replies, ?We fail! / But screw your courage to the sticking-place, / And we?ll not fail.? Whenever he is backing down she pushes him forward again. This is where a major flaw of our protagonist comes in. Macbeth cannot escape the trap of listening to his wife. He is subject to her commands and he knows it.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Gerschenkron Model

ECONOMIC HISTORY Answers Reading I 1. In the case of England, the agricultural sector played a key role in industrialization. This is mainly because, the increase in productivity in the sector led to an increase in the workers income, and this increase made possible for them to save more. The increase in savings led to an increase in investment in the industrial sector. When we are talking about a backward country, the process cannot be imitated.Backward countries had a traditional agriculture, and there was not an increase of productivity, so the agricultural sector could not finance the imports of capital needed. Also it was much easier to borrow money from institutions than being dependent of the agriculture. 2. Although Rostow thought that countries followed a stage-like pattern of development, Gerschenkron firmly disagreed with this assumption: Rostow implied that all countries repeat the same process of industrialization; this could be seen as a â€Å"inescapable law of econom ic development.The process of industrialization of the advance countries was not the same as of the backward countries. For example, England did not have any institution to finance its industrialization, in contrast to the late-comers, who had a whole international financing system built. This advantage of backwardness is what the Gerschenkron model is about. Each country had its own process of industrialization and it did not have to follow certain stages. 3. In order to industrialize, backward countries need to import large amounts of capital.The technology imported will come from the advance countries, and will help the relative backward countries to become advanced. The process of industrialization of these countries will take, in fact, much less time compared to the advanced countries, because the technology imported is far more efficient than those used in first place by the advanced countries when they were in the middle of the process. Since they have access to this new tech nology that the advanced countries did not have, these countries have an advantage for being backward economies. However, hese advantages do not come naturally to the country, but it is the government that needs to use the advantage in their favor in order to achieve a modern economy in less time. 4. a) Big Spurt: In the text Gerschenkron refers uses the term to describe the moment when the industrialization in a backward country begins, and there is a rapid economic growth. It is closely related to Rostow’s â€Å"take-off† but the big spurt focuses on the manufacturing and mining sector b) Missed opportunity: This term it is used to describe the failure of applying the proper substitutions in a given economy in order to obtain a big spurt.Like the case of Bulgaria when there was a failure to make the proper substitutions and there was not a big spurt. 5. The prerequisites for industrial growth are: a) Abolition of an archaic framework in agricultural organization: In order to increase the productivity of Land and of Labor, so there can be an increase of supply to face the increase of demand (due to the increase of population).This will increase the worker’s income, allowing them to save more, and therefore invest in the industry sector. b) Creation of a modern elite that seek economic growth: In Europe, the Noble class had no interest in changing their way of life (serfdom), so in order to access industrialization there is a need to create a group of influential entrepreneurs that seek a modern economy that is more productive and efficient. ) Provision of a social over-head capital in physical form: In the backward countries, there is a need of capital in order to industrialize. The government must seek this capital by borrowing it from financial institutions. Getting the capital by themselves was not an option, since there was not enough savings and it would have took much longer than just borrowing the capital.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Demographic of Essex County Essay

Essex County is located in the North eastern part of new jersey. The history of Essex county dates back to 1666 when 30 families from Connecticut established settlement along the banks of Passaic river. Essex County was officially established in 1682 by east jersey legislature. Essex County is 129.631 square miles. The Geopolitical communities are designed by natural or human made boundaries (Maurer and Smith, 2009). It holds community safer for the residents and the governing body. Essex County is bordered by human made boundaries. The weather of the community fluctuates according to the seasons. The usual temperature throughout winter stays within 24 to 42 degrees Fahrenheit. In the summer, it hikes up, and ranges between at 68 to 85 Fahrenheit. Natural disasters like flood, blizzards, snowstorms, heavy rains hurricanes, power outrage, water shortage common here. Essex county is the second most densely populated county in new jersey As of 2010 census population was 783969. The coun ty is made up of 22 municipalities which are widely diverse encompassing large inner-city communities. Essex’s county’s economic wealth is not distributed uniformly across all residents, with large urban areas that include a large number of poor and minority populations with 11.7% county families had income below the poverty level. As of 2011, 10.8% residents were unemployed. Essex County is the first county in United States to create county wide park system. As of now 5,745 acres of green space which includes vast reservations developed parks 21 one of them. The community has big golf courses and tennis courts In addition to this, there are seasonal community fairs and other community events that provide an occasion for community interaction. And there is provision for bike lanes. Fire department and police  department renders excellent service. The waste disposal and pest control department maintains healthy and hygienic environment. There are community parks, swimming pools, sports clubs, and many other establishments providing amenities to support the physical and leisure activities of the residents. The community has a big golf clubs. In addition to this, there are seasonal community fairs and other community events that provide an occasion for community interaction. Interview with the Community health Nurse Melissa Garfield RN, BSN (telephone Interview) Conducted on 10/23/2014. Melissa works for Barnabas Health System at present she is a clinical supervisor who in charge of approximately 100 employees which includes registered nurses, respiratory therapist, occupational and physical therapist. They work very closely with the state and they are Medicare certified. What is your role in disease prevention, surveillance and health Promotion? What steps are you taking to alert the community to educate them? The role of community health has changed greatly over the years. We play a very important role in the community for prevention of disease and promotion of health. They help in preventing disease by community teaching and help early detection of a problem. The greatest challenges we face has nothing to do with the season of the year, it is with hospitals discharging patients more quickly to shorten the length of stay and the acuity of the patients in the community are much higher which necessitates the clinicians that are more skilled than ever. As of now they have to take care of patients with tracheostomy, peg tube feeding, long term chest tubes, nephrostomy tubes and ventilators and administer antibiotics. The job of the community health nurse is educate the family members how to take care of their loved one at home, and what to do when there is emergency there is always redundancy what to do when there is emergency. She gave the example of Hurricane sandy when they had to go visiting homes of patients who were oxygen dependent, ventilator patients and patients with special electronic beds and make sure they had electricity and if not they had to be moved to acute care center. For me that was the most  challenging thing I faced in the community. This transcends any season. At the moment it is season change and we have to make sure our homebound citizens and senior citizens for getting flu vaccines and get them ready for winter making sure they have access to heat and hot water. Now we are also educating the community about Ebola. What ethnic groups do you deal with? Essex County is made up of very diverse race and culture. There is no single dominant culture or race. We have African- American, White-Americans, Hispanic, and Asians. They visit all communities in the county; they have escorts who are from the community who helps her when she goes home visiting. The only home they are not allowed to go is if they see anyone actively doing drugs, or drinking for safety reasons. What spiritual resources are available? The community health nurse has to respect every religion, culture and their way of life and traditions as long it doesn’t cause any harm to the individual. Essex County has churches of every denomination, temples, synagogues and mosques which are easily accessible. What are the five biggest health issues pertaining to Essex County? What is being done to educate the community for its prevention? Heart Disease including congestive heart disease. Cancer Stroke Septicemia Diabetes There are non-health related issues like homicide, violent crimes deaths injuries and mortality rates related to this are high in the community. The community health nurses organize community teaching in churches, senior citizen homes and in adult day care center and churches where they teach about diet, exercise, compliance with medication and follow up with the physicians. They also check blood pressure and sugars during this  time. Making sure people in the community follow healthy diet is challenge as this county has very high rate of fast food joints. Are you adequately funded? What would you like to see more funding for? We are insurance and Medicare dependent and if the patient doesn’t have insurance then it is charity care. They organize fund raisers for cancer prevention. Every program is important to the community but more funding is needed for preventive care which in turn will promote health. What are some of the preventive programs organized Barnabas health comm unity services? The role of community health nurse involves educating the community in prevention of disease which in turn promotes health. Tobacco free living Preventing drug abuse and excessive alcohol use Healthy eating Injury and violence free living Reproductive and sexual health Mental and emotional well-being. They also have program called† what’s in your bag† where they collaborate with the pharmacist in the community check the prescription medications the patients are taking and make sure there is no duplications for example Norvasc and Amlodipine. They update the list of the medication they are taking which helps when they go to the doctors or hospital. They also assist in the community in proper disposable of unused and expired medicine. The nurse also teaches how to store medications especially narcotics. They also help in the immunizations of seniors especially flu and pneumonia and preschool children. The school nurse is in charge of making sure the school age kids are up-to-date with immunization. Are the health resources adequate in Essex County? She believes there are enough health providers; there are many hospitals, emergent day care centers and nurse practitioners all are very easily accessible. The problem is not enough resources  she believes people not making use of these resources. There are many individuals with no insurance but they are never denied care. Essex County also has discount prescription card which gives 20% on prescription medication. What is the role of a community health in regarding to mental health? She is not specialized in this field but they do have separate division who takes care of these individual this team consists of behavioral health nurses and therapist. They do assess the patients if they need these services and refer them accordingly. Essex County has a big psychiatry hospital whose mission is to provide evidence-based care to promote patient recovery and return to community. Diet and Exercise Obesity rates have doubled among children and tripled in adolescents and adults. Also our community has very high rate of fast food restaurant. The main of community health nurse is educating the community on healthy diet and the importance of exercise. Our community has lots of parks and open spaces, sports center which are well equipped but under used. There also community swimming pools. The community health nurses do not organize any activities in regarding to exercise, but the county has many such program which begin in spring with cherry blossom festival, they conduct marathons, bike riding competitions’ and hikes and camp outs during summer of which Barnabas health is a big sponsor. Are they any nutrition deficiency in the community? Does the community provide safe drinking water? Most common problem are Vitamin D deficiency. There are many communities which live below poverty and many are homeless. But there are many organizations which help them like soup kitchens, food stamps, meals on wheels for home bound citizens, churches and many communities. Schools provide subsidized rate or free in some cases breakfast and lunches to the children. Farmers markets and community garden where one can grow fresh vegetables and fruits in summer. Tap water is safe for  drinking which checked periodically and report of which is sent to all residents. 11. What is the role of a Community health nurse in relation to environmental issues such as heat assistance, cooling stations, pest control, waste disposal, and common air contaminants? Essex County has an environmental nurse that follows the Human Health Hazard Ordinance. This ordinance is for dealing with health hazards that are occurring on the outside of the home and could potentially affect other members of the community. They work closely with town and municipality workers. They inspect the homes for rats or any insect’s bed bugs. They also observe how the garbage is being disposed. Overall the nurse’s job is to see if the resident is safe in their home. She also checks if the patient is oxygen dependent there is nobody in the house smoking, from individual perspective she also checks if they have working fire alarms. They check to see if they have provision for heat in winter. There is very good waste management system in the county. They have garbage and recycle bins in all public spaces. The environments hazardous waste and electronic waste is being collected by the county once in three months from the community or it can be taken to the disposable center by the resident. The community nurse plays no role in this. 12. What kind of sexuality programs are available e.g. growth and development, STD and AIDS education, contraception options. Is there sufficient access to birth control, support groups for pregnant women and new parents? What are the statistics for birth rates, abortion and miscarriage? Essex County works with Planned Parenthood, the pregnancy crisis hot-line, the Family Resource Center and Early Head Start programs. There is disparity among child birth and teen pregnancy. Low and low birth weight among African-American babies born is higher than other racial/ ethnic group. Teen pregnancy is more in lower socio-economic groups. The school nurses provide sex education to the kids from  elementary. There are many programs for maternal and child health. They support them and get necessary help needed in caring the baby and themselves. 13. How do you assist in disaster management planning? Are there other agencies you work with? Essex County nurses work with police, fire and EMS from all the cities and towns in the county. The nurses participate in disaster management drill a few times a year. Our other role in disaster management is to keep a list of personnel that may be needed to help when a disaster occurs. The list is reviewed and updated yearly. This list includes: Long-term care facilities Veterinarian Clinics and hospital Schools Churches Summer camps Parish nurses Home care agencies Water and energy facilities such a Alliant Energy Power Station† 14. What are the Cognitive/ perceptual level of the community? The Essex County is home to large ethnic/ racial group. The main language is English but there is large number of residents about 20% of who don’t speak English. The community nurses use language line to communicate with the patient or somebody from the family who knows the language acts as the translator. Essex County is home to five public and five private colleges. There is a great push to change the education system and get the children back to school. The graduate rate is 64% for the county which is low comparing to other counties in the state. 15. What is the self-perception / self- concept in the community? Are the residents happy? I don’t know how to answer that. You know we both live in the same county there is big disparities how the economic wealth is distributed. There are large urban areas with poor and minority population, a nd some below poverty level. The county is doing a lot to make sure all  residents have equal opportunities. Like in the library they have activities for senior citizens; they also have activities for school age and preschoolers. They play a big role ]in summer reading program. The county also has free coaching in summer for sports activities like tennis and football. Each community in summer organizes movie night. There are equal opportunities for all. In certain communities in the county the violent crime rate and homicide rate is high compared to other counties in the state. There is also big problem with substance abuse. Due to which emergency room visits for substance abuse are high in the county. The families living in these areas face dangers which causes stress. Role and relationship The people of the community continue to maintain respectful and healthy relationships with neighbors. The children are cooperative with one another and maintain respect towards elders and higher authorities, such as teachers. Local residents aid the older residents, especially during snow storm. The local police and firefighters offer innumerable services for the community. We ended our interview by her saying there are many services available in the community which the residents are not aware of. They also need more skilled nursing staff as the acuity of patients in the community is high. References: The county of Essex New jersey. www. Essex-county Essex county quick facts from U S census bureau. Retrieved from†¦/34013.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Specific Population and the Advocate Role

Specific Population and the Advocate Role Specific Population and the Advocate RoleMonique ConeBSHS442March 21, 2011Mary Beth BovaSpecific Population and the Advocate Role Advocate Role PAGE 1 Advocate Role PAGE 2Specific Population and the Advocate RoleMonique ConeBSHS442March 21, 2011Mary Beth BovaSpecific Population and the Advocate RoleDivorce mother trying to get full custody for her child and wanting the house. This mother is in need of a help from an Advocate. As an Advocate it is their job to assist and fight for the client. The advocate will have to be the divorce mother voice. In this paper, I will show the role of the advocate for this special population group.As an advocate we have to make sure we listen to everything the client wants carefully. To make sure we get all their needs and wants. Advocate has to educate the client on the issue of divorce and child custody. As an advocate we have to negotiate with all parties, including the ex-husband.Going Down (album)We have to make sure that all agencies the client is working with are following up on all the promises they gave the client. It is the advocate job to make sure everything is goi ng smooth and is in place. We have to make sure that we enforce the client rights (Barsky, 2007).Advocate has to also prepare a brief for the client and give a testimony for decision makers. Advocate have to make sure they pay attention to the clients demand and support them. Advocate will also represent a client if there's a conference or court hearing. We could also put out a positive attitude to the community about our client to counter negative stereotypes. As an advocate we can also help our client be an advocate on their own behaves. We can help them set up a good goal. Educate the client about the...

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Biography of Walter Cronkite, Journalist and Anchorman

Biography of Walter Cronkite, Journalist and Anchorman Walter Cronkite was a journalist who defined the role of network anchorman during the decades when television news rose from being the  neglected stepchild of radio to a dominant form of journalism. Cronkite became a legendary figure and was often called the most trusted man in America. Fast Facts: Walter Cronkite Known For: Broadcast journalist and anchorman who covered key moments in American historyAlso Known As: The Most Trusted Man in AmericaBorn: December 4, 1916 in  St. Joseph, MissouriDied: July 17, 2009 in New York City, New YorkEducation: University of Texas at AustinSelected Awards: Presidential Medal of Freedom, NASAs Ambassador of Exploration Award, Four Freedoms Award for the Freedom of SpeechNotable Quote: And thats the way it is. Originally a print reporter who excelled as a battlefield correspondent during  World War II, Cronkite developed a skill for reporting and telling a story which he brought to the embryonic medium of television. As Americans began receiving much of their news from television, Cronkite was  a familiar face in living rooms across the country. During his career Cronkite covered combat up close, putting himself at risk on a number of occasions. In less dangerous assignments he interviewed presidents and foreign leaders, and covered critical events from the  McCarthy era  to the early 1980s. For a generation of Americans, Cronkite provided a highly credible voice and a steady and calm manner during tumultuous times. Viewers related to him, and to his standard closing line at the end of each broadcast: And thats the way it is. Early Life Walter Cronkite was born in St. Joseph, Missouri, on December 4, 1916. The family moved to Texas when Cronkite was a child, and he became interested in journalism during high school. While attending the University of Texas,  he worked for two years part-time for the Houston Post newspaper, and after leaving college he took a variety of jobs at newspapers and radio stations. In 1939, he was hired to be a war correspondent by the United Press wire service. As World War II intensified, the newly married Cronkite departed for Europe to cover the conflict. Formative Experience: World War II By 1942, Cronkite was based in England, sending dispatches back to American newspapers. He was invited into a special program with the U.S. Army Air Force to train journalists to fly aboard bombers. After learning basic skills, including firing the airplanes machine guns, Cronkite flew aboard an Eighth Air Force B-17 on a bombing mission over Germany. The mission turned out to be extremely dangerous. A correspondent from the New York Times, Robert P. Post, who was flying  on another B-17 during the same mission, was killed when the bomber was shot down. (Andy Rooney, a correspondent for Stars and Stripes and a future CBS News colleague of Cronkite, also flew on the mission and, like Cronkite, made it back to England safely.) Cronkite wrote a vivid dispatch about the bombing mission which ran in a number of American newspapers. In the New York Times of February 27, 1943, Cronkites story appeared under the headline Hell 26,000 Feet Up. On June 6, 1944, Cronkite observed the D-Day beach assaults from a military plane. In September 1944, Cronkite covered the airborne invasion of Holland in Operation Market Garden by landing in a glider with paratroopers from the 101st Airborne Division. Cronkite covered the fighting in Holland for weeks, often putting himself at considerable risk. At the end of 1944, Cronkite covered the German offensive that turned into the Battle of the Bulge. In the spring of 1945, he covered the end of the war. Given his wartime experiences, he probably could have gotten a contract to write a book, but he chose to keep his job at United Press as a correspondent. In 1946, he covered the Nuremberg Trials, and following that he opened a United Press bureau in Moscow.   In 1948. Cronkite was back in the United States. He and his wife had their first child in November 1948. After years of travel, Cronkite began gravitating to a more settled life, and began to seriously think about jumping from print journalism to broadcasting. Early TV News In 1949 Cronkite began working for CBS Radio, based in Washington, D.C. He covered the government; a focus of his job was to broadcast reports to stations located in the Midwest. His assignments were not very glamorous, and tended to focus on agricultural policy of interest to listeners in the heartland. When the Korean War began in 1950, Cronkite wanted to return to his role as  an overseas correspondent. But he found a niche in Washington, delivering news about the conflict on local television, illustrating troop movements by drawing lines on a map. His wartime experience seemed to give him a certain confidence on the air, and viewers related to him. At that time, TV news was in its infancy, and many influential radio broadcasters, including even Edward R. Murrow, the legendary star  newsman of CBS Radio, believed television would be a passing fad. Cronkite, however, developed a feel for the medium, and his career took off. He was essentially pioneering the presentation of news on television, while also dabbling in interviews (once taking a tour of the White House with President Harry S. Truman) and even filling in as the host of a popular game show, Its News to Me. The Most Trusted Man in America In 1952, Cronkite and others at CBS put serious effort into presenting, live on the air, the proceedings of both major party political conventions from Chicago. Before the conventions, CBS even offered classes for politicians to learn how to appear on television. Cronkite was the teacher, giving points on speaking and facing the camera. One of his students was a Massachusetts congressman, John F. Kennedy. On election night in 1952, Cronkite anchored CBS News coverage live from a studio at Grand Central Station in New York City. Sharing the duties with Cronkite was a computer, Univac, which Cronkite introduced as an electronic brain that would help tally votes. The computer mostly malfunctioned during the broadcast, but Cronkite kept the show moving along.  CBS executives came to recognize Cronkite as something of a star. To viewers across America, Cronkite was becoming an authoritative voice. In fact, he became known as the most trusted man in America. Throughout the 1950s, Cronkite reported regularly on CBS News programs. He developed an early interest in Americas early space program, reading anything he could find about newly developed missiles and plans to launch astronauts into space. In 1960, Cronkite seemed to be everywhere, covering the political conventions and serving as one of the journalists asking questions at the final Kennedy-Nixon debate. On April 16, 1962, Cronkite began anchoring the CBS Evening News, a position he would hold until he chose to retire in 1981. Cronkite made sure he wasnt merely the anchorman, but the managing editor of the newscast. During his tenure, the broadcast expanded from 15 minutes to a half-hour. On the first program of the expanded format, Cronkite interviewed President Kennedy on the lawn of the Kennedy family house at Hyannis Port, Massachusetts. The interview, conducted on Labor Day 1963, was historically important as the president seemed to be adjusting his policy on Vietnam. It would be one of the last interviews with Kennedy before his death less than three months later. Reporting on Key Moments in American History On the afternoon of November 22, 1963, Cronkite was working in the CBS newsroom in New York City when bells indicating urgent bulletins began ringing on teletype machines. The first reports of a shooting near the presidents motorcade in Dallas were being transmitted via wire services. The first bulletin of the shooting broadcast by CBS News was voice-only, as it took time to set up a camera. As soon as it was possible, Cronkite appeared live on the air. He gave updates on the shocking news as it arrived. Nearly losing his composure, Cronkite made the grim announcement that President Kennedy had died from his wounds. Cronkite stayed on the air for hours, anchoring the coverage of the assassination. He spent many hours on the air in the following days, as Americans engaged in a new sort of mourning ritual, one conducted via the medium of television. In the following years, Cronkite would deliver news about the Civil Rights Movement, the assassinations of Robert Kennedy and Martin Luther King, riots in American cities, and the Vietnam War. After visiting Vietnam in early 1968  and witnessing the violence unleashed in the Tet Offensive, Cronkite returned to America and delivered a rare editorial opinion. In a commentary delivered on CBS, he said that, based on his reporting, the war was a stalemate and a negotiated end should be sought. It was later reported that President Lyndon Johnson was shaken to hear Cronkites assessment, and it influenced his decision not to seek a second term. One big story of the 1960s that Cronkite loved to cover was the space program. He anchored live broadcasts of rocket launches, from projects Mercury through Gemini and to the crowning achievement, Project Apollo. Many Americans learned how the rockets operated by watching Cronkite give basic lessons from his anchor desk. In an era before TV news could utilize advanced special effects, Cronkite, handling plastic models, demonstrated the maneuvers that were being performed in space. When Neil Armstrong stepped onto the surface of the moon on July 20, 1969, a nationwide audience watched the grainy images on television. Many were tuned into CBS and Walter Cronkite, who famously admitted, after seeing Armstrong make his famous first step, Im speechless. Later Career Cronkite continued covering the news through the 1970s, anchoring events such as Watergate and the end of the Vietnam War. On a trip to the Middle East, he interviewed Egyptian president Sadat and Israeli prime minister Begin. Cronkite was given credit for inspiring the two men to meet and eventually forge a peace treaty between their countries. For many, the name Cronkite was synonymous with  the news. Bob Dylan, in a song on his 1975 album Desire, made a playful reference to him: I was sittin home alone one night in L.A.Watching old Cronkite on the seven oclock news... On Friday, March 6, 1981, Cronkite presented his final newscast as an anchorman. He chose to end his tenure as anchor with little fanfare. The New York Times reported that he had spent the day, as usual, preparing the newscast. In the following decades, Cronkite appeared often on television, at first doing specials for CBS, and later for PBS and CNN. He remained active, spending time with a wide circle of friends that came to include artist Andy Warhol and Grateful Dead drummer Mickey Hart. Cronkite also kept with his hobby of sailing in the waters around Marthas Vineyard, where he had long kept a vacation home. Cronkite died at the age of 92 on July 17, 2009. His death was front-page news across America. He is widely remembered as a legendary figure who created and embodied a golden age of television news. Sources Brinkley, Douglas. Cronkite. Harper Perennial, 2013.Martin, Douglas. â€Å"Walter Cronkite, 92, Dies; Trusted Voice of TV News.† New York Times, 17 July 2009, p. 1.Cronkite, Walter. Hell 26,000 Feet Up. New York Times, 17 February 1943, p. 5.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Creating a Single Market for Banking Institutions in EU Coursework - 1

Creating a Single Market for Banking Institutions in EU - Coursework Example Theories promote the use of market in achieving economic and monetary union. It is assumed that the stages of the union eliminate achievement of previous stages and that gradual achievement of the new stages adds common elements. The monetary policy is centralized by the ECB (European central bank) the European Union has attempted different approaches to economic integration in the banking institutions. The approaches leave the fiscal policy instruments to the disposal of the governments of European Union member states. The decision that resulted from discrepancies in economic development made it possible for policy makers to react to changes in the economic trend within various stages of the business cycle. The aim of minimizing the discrepancies in economic development is one purpose for the EU and a condition to deepen integration processes (Bradley 2014). The EuropeanCommissionn presented a proposal of methods that member states of the EU could use to support the real economy while enhancing confidence. The methods support the economic and social integration. The aim was to ensure that the banking institution attain smart growth throughthe development of knowledge based on innovations and sustainable growth that supports initiatives for low emission economy. The aim was also to attain inclusive growth that facilitates social inclusion and support of the economy. Inclusive growth is characterized by high employment levels and the economic, social, and territorial cohesion is ensured (Quaglia 2013). The economic crisis madethe preparation of new regulatory frameworks a necessity to increase stability within the financial sector. The EU took a step in restructuring the banking sector so that its long-term profitability could be restored to ensurethe functioning of credit activities.  

Friday, November 1, 2019

Critically assess the theoretical and practical debates about Essay

Critically assess the theoretical and practical debates about stakeholding focussing either on the basic income or asset aspects. Address the issues in the context of a particular society of your choice - Essay Example The concept of stakeholding stipulates that every citizen upon attainment of an adulthood age, 21 years as proposed by Ackerman and Alstott, should receive a considerable lump sum one-time grant from the government. The amount given should be sufficient to qualify one as a significant wealth owner. Ackerman and Alstott recommended that the amount should total $80,000 in the United States (Ackerman et al, 2006). This essay is aimed at critically assessing the theoretical and practical debates concerning stakeholders grant in relation to basic income or assets. The Presented discussion will be addressed in the context of African American society in the United States. The need for contemporary public policies has been necessitated by the transformative nature of the current labour market. Sherraden (2005) argued that market risks no longer impact directly on collective intermediary, government and insurance institutions but affects individuals and consequently their families. The current framework of social welfare has proved ineffective as witnessed from the deterioration of means tested program systems and lack of will by the governing institutions. Therefore, Ackerman and Alstott noted that the introduction of stakeholding would lead to progressive redistribution of wealth among members of the society (Ackerman et al, 2006). According to Paxton and White (2005), social policy campaign by egalitarian crusaders of has been focused on the redistribution of resource ownership. Proponents of stakeholding as form of social policy argues that highly privileged individuals inherit wealth from their parents while children from poor backgrounds are like ly to continue languishing due to absence of inheritance. In such a scenario, underprivileged African Americans have been left without prerequisite resources to attend colleges and universities. Arguments by Ackerman and Alstott have been evidenced by the extent of income disparity between